Saturday, February 23, 2008


Since we can write about whatever we want to for this week, I'm going to talk about my dog, Tanner. One day, instead of going to the Clemson football game, my boyfriend took me to Anderson and surprised me by getting me a Golden Retriever puppy. We spent the whole afternoon buying supplies and toys for the dog and the rest of the day playing with him. At first, he was very scared of everything and would always want to hide under the bed or in his crate, but he is a lot better now.
Tanner has a beautiful, gold coat and sad little puppy eyes that make me want to melt when he looks at me. He has one white spot on the top of his nose and really, really soft ears that I love to pet. He loves to play catch with his tennis balls and take long walks. He likes to play with all other animal friends that he meets and wishes that he had a permanent play mate, since I am in class all day. He loves to get attention and is very jealous when someone else is getting more attention than he is. We have been trying to teach him some tricks, but so far he has only learned to "sit." Tanner helps to relieve my stress and is always a lot of fun. I love my dog!

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