Saturday, April 12, 2008

Response to "Ethical Lapses Distract U.S. Workers"

I think that it's really sad to hear that 73% of workers in America have encountered ethical lapses while on the job, but it's even worse that only 36% are even affected by them. When I hear things like this, I can't help but feel discouraged. Sometimes, I have to force myself to remember that there are good people and things in this world, even if it seems hard to believe. I think that the reason there are so many ethical dilemmas is because people have become too tolerant of them and won't stand up for what they really believe in. One reason for this may be that people fear getting in trouble or even fired from their job. Ethical lapses don't just affect a few people, but on average will affect multiple employees in various ways. People have enough things to worry about while they are at work and don't need the added stress that a situation like this creates. Ethical lapses in the workplace are not only detrimental to employees, but also to the company as a whole due to the low morale and non-unity they cause.

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